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Selectmen's Minutes 03/28/2012

Minutes of Meeting – March 28, 2012; meeting called to order at 7:00pm.  
Present:  J McNinch; D Roche; K Fowler; D Trancynger; L Messana.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  None.

MOTION by DT, seconded by DR to accept the Minutes and Executive Minutes of March 14 as presented. 4/0 vote with LM abstaining.

The Board discussed seeking town approval to accept Stone Ledge Road as a town way.  The TM explained the process required.  It was agreed to pass the request along to the Planning Board for their review, and to schedule a hearing at the 4/11 BOS meeting to vote to place the article on the ATM warrant.  MOTION by DR, seconded by DT to acknowledge receipt of a request to have the town accept Stone Ledge Road as a town way, and to pass the request on to the Planning Board for their review and action.  5/0 vote.

Watershed Conservation Restriction Committee:  The Board discussed the creation of a study committee to create conservation restrictions on our watershed lands.  The following individuals were suggested as appointees to the WCR Committee:  Joanne Magee, Rene Laubach, Tad Ames of BNRC, Jeff Vincent, Gene Chague, Warren Archey and a representative from the ConCom.  MOTION by DR, seconded by KF to form a committee, consisting of up to seven members, to formulate conservation restrictions for our watershed lands and to ask all interested individuals to submit letters of interest.  5/0 vote.  

OPEB:  The Board discussed the need to fund the town’s Other Post Employment Benefits as this represents a large future liability for the Town.  DR had a spreadsheet put together showing three retirees per year and the difference between their salaries and new hires that could go into a trust fund.  Over a ten-year period, the trust would grow considerably.

The Marketing and Events Committee Chairman Kim Flynn announced that Lenox is the only US location for the upcoming cycling event.  She then showed the Lenoxology video that will be on the Discoverlenox website.  Following the video, she went on to state that the committee is recommending that the Town enter into two additional contracts with Bodden Hamilton with regard to the discoverlenox web site ($4000) and the lenoxology campaign. ($4995). Carolyn Barry questioned the link between the Town and Chamber of Commerce website.  Kim explained that the Chamber website is being worked on, and that once it is completed, the link will occur.  MOTION by DT, seconded by KF to fund both requests as stated above.  5/0 vote.  Kim then went on to explain that the Committee is seeking two $45,000 requests in FY13 funding, to be used as follows:  the first request is for $15,000 for seed money for new events, $10,000 to support the Visitor’s Center operations $12,000 for a Lenox mobile app and $8,000 for Discover Lenox promotions.  The second $45,000 request would be used as the Town’s match for the $150,000 NEA “Our Town” grant.  DR suggested that the $45,000 be contingent upon being awarded the grant.  Nancy Armstrong stated that all she hears is that the Town is spending money on economic development, and she wants to make sure that the departments are getting what they need.  DR stated that they are, but that without the marketing of the Town, we will not be able to generate the needed new revenues for departmental operations.

Solar Project Update:  The TM stated that we are very close to having a contract in place.  He also stated that there will be a Town Meeting vote required.  There will be a public forum regarding this issue on April 12 at 7pm at the Town Hall, and a second ice cream social Q&A at the high school on April 29.  The TM then presented a brief PowerPoint presentation showing the areas in question.  He explained that there are two ways to go with this project; 1) lease land to Broadway Electric and town will buy
power, or 2) do project ourselves and have Broadway build it for us.  It was suggested that we put together a 3 or 4 member committee to review the solar project, perhaps with KF and Jamie Cahillane as two of the members.  The Board asked any one interested in serving to send in a letter.

Scott Schiff came before the Board seeking a used car sales license for property located at 4 Holmes Road.  MOTION by DR, seconded by LM to grant him a used car sales license.  5/0 vote.

Budget & Finance:  The Board reviewed the final budget items and discussed what changes they would like to see.  The TM explained that now that the School unions have agreed to the 75%/25% insurance split, the savings should help offset some of our expenses.  DT questioned weekend coverage by the EMTs.  The TM stated that it would cost approximately $16,000 annually, and that the ambulance enterprise fund cannot support it at this time.  DT stated that she would still like to see it happen, even if we need to use tax dollars.  DR suggested appropriating the money, but if the enterprise fund can fund it, return the money back to the general fund.  MOTION by DR, seconded by DT to provide contingency funding for the ambulance enterprise fund to cover a double shift and if funds are not needed that they be returned to the town.  5/0 vote.  

DT then went through the various Community Preservation warrant articles.  DR questioned why CPC funds should be used on a private church (Church on the Hill)?  She stated that the committee did have some concerns, but felt that it being a prominent building with a small congregation, the town needed to step in and assist them in keeping the building in good condition.  DR then questioned if the Town could place a lien on properties that we grant funding to for repairs.

Consent Agenda items:  MOTION by KF, seconded by LM to grant four one-day W&M licenses to Ventfort Hall as follows:  6/1, 2-7pm, 6/9 6:30-10:30pm, 7/6, 4-8pm, 7/14 6:30-10:30pm; appoint Marybeth Mitts to the Cable Advisory Board; adopt a revised efficient vehicles purchase policy as presented.  5/0 vote.

Old/New Business:  LM went through the March anniversaries.  DT asked for a progress report on the new sign bylaw.  JM stated that he received a request from the Class of 2017 to hold bake sales around town during the Memorial Day parade.  They will donate 10% of their proceeds to the Lenox VFW Post, with the remainder going to their class.  Jeel will find out exact locations and get back to the Board.
By roll call, DR, KF, DT, LM and JM voted to go into Executive Session at 9:10pm to discuss possible contract negotiations, and to not return to open session.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                          Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                       Board of Selectmen